
Outline: On the Incarnation - Athanasius

Athanasius. On the Incarnation. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir Seminary Press, 2012. 978-0881414271 $13,61 110 pages 

On the Incarnation .jpg

Chapter One 

  • Introductory. — The subject of this treatise: the humiliation and incarnation of the Word. Presupposes the doctrine of Creation, and that by the Word. The Father has saved the world by Him through Whom he first made it. Loc 73  

  • Come now , Macarius ( worthy of that name ) , and true lover of Christ , let us follow up the faith of our religion , and set forth also what relates to the Word’s becoming Man , and to His divine Appearing amongst us , which Jews traduce and Greeks laugh to scorn , but we worship ; in order that , all the more for the seeming low estate of the Word , your piety toward Him may be increased and multiplied. (Loc 79)

  •  For it will appear not inconsonant for the Father to have wrought its salvation in Him by Whose means He made. Loc 92 

Chapter Two

Erroneous views of Creation rejected. (1) Epicurean (fortuitous generation). But diversity of bodies and parts argues a creating intellect. (2.) Platonists (pre - existent matter.) But this subjects God to human limitations, making Him not a creator but a mechanic. (3) Gnostics (an alien Demiurge). Rejected from Scripture. Loc 98

  •  Of the making of the universe and the creation of all things many have taken different views, and each man has laid down the law just as he pleased. Loc 100 

  •  On the contrary, we see a distinction of sun, moon, and earth; and again, in the case of human bodies, of foot, hand, and head. Now, such separate arrangement as this tells us not of their having come into being of themselves but shews that a cause preceded them; from which cause it is possible to apprehend God also as the Maker and Orderer of all. Loc 106 

  •  For He could not in any sense be called Creator unless He is Creator of the material of which the things created have in their turn been made. Loc 117

  • “What, therefore, God hath joined together let not man put asunder:” how come these men to assert that the creation is independent of the Father? Loc 121


Chapter Three

The true doctrine. Creation out of nothing, of God’s lavish bounty of being. Man created above the rest, but incapable of independent perseverance. Hence the exceptional and supra - natural gift of being in God’s Image, with the promise of bliss conditionally upon his perseverance in grace. Loc 130

  • He has made all things out of nothing by His own Word, Jesus Christ our Lord. Loc 141

  • He did not barely create man, as He did all the irrational creatures on the earth, but made them after His own image, giving them a portion even of the power of His own Word. Loc 143 

Chapter Four

Our creation and God’s Incarnation most intimately connected. As by the Word man was called from non - existence into being, and further received the grace of a divine life, so by the one fault which forfeited that life they again incurred corruption and untold sin and misery filled the world. Loc 157 

  • For of His becoming Incarnate we were the object, and for our salvation He dealt so lovingly as to appear and be born even in a human body. Loc 163 

  • For transgression of the commandment was turning them back to their natural state, so that just as they have had their being out of nothing, so also, as might be expected, they might look for corruption into nothing in the course of time. Loc 169 

Chapter Five 

  • For God has not only made us out of nothing; but He gave us freely, by the Grace of the Word, a life in correspondence with God. 182 

  •  “God made man for incorruption, and as an image of His own eternity; but by envy of the devil death came into the world.”  Loc 187

  •   For even in their misdeeds men had not stopped short at any set limits ; but gradually pressing forward , have passed on beyond all measure : having to begin with been inventors of wickedness and called down upon themselves death and corruption ; while later on , having turned aside to wrong and exceeding all lawlessness , and stopping at no one evil but devising all manner of new evils in succession , they have become insatiable in sinning. Loc 190

Chapter Six 

The human race then was wasting, God’s image was being effaced, and His work ruined. Either, then, God must forego His spoken word by which man had incurred ruin; or that which had shared in the being of the Word must sink back again into destruction, in which case God’s design would be defeated. What then? was God’s goodness to suffer this? But if so, why had man been made? It could have been weakness, not goodness on God’s part. Loc 203 

Chapter Seven 

None could renew but He Who had created. He alone could (1) recreate all, (2) suffer for all, (3) represent all to the Father. Loc 228 

  • For it were monstrous for God, the Father of truth, to appear a liar for our profit and preservation. Loc 231

  • For He would still be none the more-true, if men did not remain in the grasp of death; nor, secondly, does repentance call men back from what is their nature — it merely stays them from acts of sin. Loc 235 

  •  For being Word of the Father, and above all, He alone of natural fitness was both able to recreate everything, and worthy to suffer on behalf of all and to be ambassador for all with the Father. Loc 241 

Chapter Eight 

 The Word, then, visited that earth in which He was yet always present; and saw all these evils. He takes a body of our Nature, and that of a spotless Virgin, in whose womb He makes it His own, wherein to reveal Himself, conquer death, and restore life. Loc 247

  • That the things whereof He Himself was Artificer were passing away : seeing , further , the exceeding wickedness of men , and how by little and little they had increased it to an intolerable pitch against themselves : and seeing , lastly , how all men were under penalty of death : He took pity on our race , and had mercy on our infirmity , and condescended to our corruption , and , unable to bear that death should have the mastery — lest the creature should perish , and His Father’s handiwork in men be spent for naught — He takes unto Himself a body , and that of no different sort from ours . Loc 255

Chapter Nine 

The Word, since death alone could stay the plague, took a mortal body which, united with Him, should avail for all, and by partaking of His immortality stay the corruption of the Race. By being above all, He made His Flesh an offering for our souls; by being one with us all, he clothed us with immortality. Simile to illustrate this. Loc 274 

  • He takes to Himself a body capable of death , that it , by partaking of the Word Who is above all , might be worthy to die in the stead of all , and might , because of the Word which was come to dwell in it , remain incorruptible , and that thenceforth corruption might be stayed from all by the Grace of the Resurrection. Loc 279 

  • And thus He, the incorruptible Son of God, being conjoined with all by a like nature, naturally clothed all with incorruption, by the promise of the resurrection.  Loc 283

  • And like as2 when a great king has entered into some large city and taken up his abode in one of the houses there , such city is at all events held worthy of high honour , nor does any enemy or bandit any longer descend upon it and subject it ; but , on the contrary , it is thought entitled to all care , because of the king’s having taken up his residence in a single house there : so , too , has it been with the Monarch of all. Loc 286

  • For now, that He has come to our realm, and taken up his abode in one body among His peers, henceforth the whole conspiracy of the enemy against mankind is checked, and the corruption of death which before was prevailing against them is done away. Loc 289 

Chapter Ten 

By a like simile, the reasonableness of the work of redemption is shewn. How Christ wiped away our ruin and provided its antidote by His own teaching. Scripture proofs of the Incarnation of the Word, and of the Sacrifice He wrought. Loc 296 

  • For if a king , having founded a house or city , if it be beset by bandits from the carelessness of its inmates , does not by any means neglect it , but avenges and reclaims it as his own work , having regard not to the carelessness of the inhabitants , but to what beseems himself ; much more did God the Word of the all - good Father not neglect the race of men , His work , going to corruption : but , while He blotted out the death which had ensued by the offering of His own body , He corrected their neglect by His own teaching , restoring all that was man’s by His own power . Loc 298

  • For by the sacrifice of His own body, He both put an end to the law which was against us, and made a new beginning of life for us, by the hope of resurrection which He has given us. Loc 314

  • This then is the first cause of the Saviour’s being made man. Loc 321 

Chapter Eleven 

Second reason for the Incarnation. God, knowing that man was not by nature sufficient to know Him, gave him, in order that he might have some profit in being, a knowledge of Himself. He made them in the Image of the Word, that thus they might know the Word, and through Him the Father. Yet man, despising this, fell into idolatry, leaving the unseen God for magic and astrology; and all this in spite of God’s manifold revelation of Himself. Loc 327 

  • He gives them a share in His own Image , our Lord Jesus Christ , and makes them after His own Image and after His likeness : so that by such grace perceiving the Image , that is , the Word of the Father , they may be able through Him to get an idea of the Father , and knowing their Maker , live the happy and truly blessed life. Loc 338 

Chapter Twelve

For though man was created in grace, God, foreseeing his forgetfulness, provided also the works of creation to remind man of him. Yet further, He ordained a Law and Prophets, whose ministry was meant for all the world. Yet men heeded only their own lusts. Loc 356 

Chapter Thirteen 

 Here again, was God to keep silence? to allow to false gods the worship He made us to render to Himself? A king whose subjects had revolted would, after sending letters and messages, go to them in person. How much more shall God restore in us the grace of His image. These men, themselves but copies, could not do. Hence the Word Himself must come (1) to recreate, (2) to destroy death in the Body. Loc 372 

  •  Whence the Word of God came in His own person, that, as He was the Image of the Father, He might be able to create afresh the man after the image. Loc 389

Chapter Fourteen 

A portrait once effaced must be restored from the original. Thus, the Son of the Father came to seek, save, and regenerate. No other way was possible. Blinded himself, man could not see to heal. The witness of creation had failed to preserve him and could not bring him back. The Word alone could do so. But how? Only by revealing Himself as Man. Loc 395 

Chapter Fifteen 

Thus, the Word condescended to man’s engrossment in corporeal things, by even taking a body. All man’s superstitions He met halfway; whether men were inclined to worship Nature, Man, Demons, or the dead, He shewed Himself Lord of all these. Loc 420 

  • For this cause He was both born and appeared as Man , and died , and rose again , dulling and casting into the shade the works of all former men by His own , that in whatever direction the bias of men might be , from thence He might recall them , and teach them of His own true Father , as He Himself says : “ I came to save and to find that which was lost . Loc 437 

  • By his being a man, life miracles, death and resurrection he was using that to show man he is God and thereby cause then to repent and be renewed.

Chapter Sixteen

 He came then to attract man’s sense - bound attention to Himself as man, and so to lead him on to know Him as God. Loc 444

  •  For by His becoming Man , the Saviour was to accomplish both works of love ; first , in putting away death from us and renewing us again ; secondly , being unseen and invisible , in manifesting and making Himself known by His works to be the Word of the Father , and the Ruler and King of the universe . Loc 456 

Chapter Seventeen

How the Incarnation did not limit the ubiquity of the Word, nor diminish His Purity. (Simile of the Sun.) Loc 462 

  • And this was the wonderful thing that He was at once walking as man, and as the Word was quickening all things, and as the Son was dwelling with His Father. So that not even when the Virgin bore Him did, He suffer any change, nor by being in the body was [ His glory] dulled: but, on the contrary, He sanctified the body also. Loc 475 

  • For if the sun too , which was made by Him , and which we see , as it revolves in the heaven , is not defiled1 by touching the bodies upon earth , nor is it put out by darkness , but on the contrary itself illuminates and cleanses them also , much less was the all - holy Word of God , Maker and Lord also of the sun , defiled by being made known in the body ; on the contrary , being incorruptible , He quickened and cleansed the body also , which was in itself mortal : “ who2 did , ” for so it says , “ no sin , neither was guile found in His mouth . ” Loc 478 

Chapter Eighteen

How the Word and Power of God works in His human actions: by casting out devils, by Miracles, by His Birth of the Virgin.  Loc 486 

  • But just as from these things He was known to be bodily present, so from the works He did in the body He made Himself known to be Son of God. Loc 492 

  • But if I do them, though ye believe not Me, believe My works; that ye may know and understand that the Father is in Me, and I in the Father.” Loc 494 

  •  For who, seeing a body proceeding forth from a Virgin alone without man, can fail to infer that He Who appears in it is Maker and Lord of other bodies also? Loc 504 

  •   Or who, seeing the substance of water changed and transformed into wine, fails to perceive that He Who did this is Lord and Creator of the substance of all waters? Loc 505

  • Miracles show He is the creator

Chapter Nineteen 

Man, unmoved by nature, was to be taught to know God by that sacred Manhood, whose deity all nature confessed, especially in His Death. Loc 512 

  •  But our next step must be to recount and speak of the end of His bodily life and course , and of the nature of the death of His body ; especially as this is the sum of our faith , and all men without exception are full of it : so that you may know that no whit the less from this also Christ is known to be God and the Son of God . Loc 522 

Chapter Twenty 

None, then, could bestow incorruption, but He Who had made, none restore the likeness of God, save His Own Image, none quicken, but the Life, none teach, but the Word. And He, to pay our debt of death, must also die for us, and rise again as our first - fruits from the grave. Mortal therefore His Body must be; corruptible, His Body could not be. Loc 525 

  • And so it was that two marvels came to pass at once, that the death of all was accomplished in the Lord’s body, and that death and corruption were wholly done away by reason of the Word that was united with it. For there was need of death, and death must needs be suffered on behalf of all, that the debt owing from all might be paid.Location 544

Chapter Twenty-One 

Death brought to naught by the death of Christ. Why then did not Christ die privately, or in a more honorable way? He was not subject to natural death but had to die at the hands of others. Why then did He die? Nay but for that purpose He came, and but for that, He could not have risen. Location 555

  •   Firstly, because the death which befalls men comes to them agreeably to the weakness of their nature; for, unable to continue in one stay, they are dissolved with time. Location 568

  •   But since He was , firstly , the Life and the Word of God , and it was necessary , secondly , for the death on behalf of all to be accomplished , for this cause , on the one hand , because He was life and power , the body gained strength in Him ; Location 572

  •  Hence, even if He died to ransom all, yet He saw not corruption. For [ His body] rose again in perfect soundness, since the body belonged to none other, but to the very Life. Location 580

Chapter Twenty-Two 

But why did He not withdraw His body from the Jews, and so guard its immortality? (1) It became Him not to inflict death on Himself, and yet not to shun it. (2) He came to receive death as the due of others, therefore it should come to Him from without. (3) His death must be certain, to guarantee the truth of His Resurrection. Also, He could not die from infirmity, lest He should be mocked in His healing of others. Location 583

  •  The Savior came to accomplish not His own death , but the death of men ; whence He did not lay aside His body by a death of His own1 — for He was Life and had none — but received that death which came from men , in order perfectly to do away with this when it met Him in His own body . Location 591

Chapter Twenty-Three 

Necessity of a public death for the doctrine of the Resurrection. Location 604

  •  He would have seemed on all hands to be telling idle tales, and what He said about the Resurrection would have been all the more discredited, as there was no one at all to witness to His death. Location 607

  •  Or how could the end of death, and the victory over it be proved, unless challenging it before the eyes of all He had shown it to be dead, annulled for the future by the incorruption of His body? Location 618

  • For the proclamation of the atoning work of Christ tone public and result in the freedom of it had to be a public crucifixion and death so that there we witnesses.

Chapter Twenty Four

Further objections anticipated. He did not choose His manner of death; for He was to prove Conqueror of death in all or any of its forms: (simile of a good wrestler). The death chosen to disgrace Him proved the Trophy against death: moreover, it preserved His body undivided. Location 622

  •  So death came to His body, not from Himself , but from hostile counsels , in order that whatever death they offered to the Savior , this He might utterly do away . Location 629

  • So something surprising and startling has happened; for the death , which they thought to inflict as a disgrace , was actually a monument of victory against death itself . Location 636

  •  He took the death that came to him to show that he wasn’t choosing a n easy death Location 637

Chapter Twenty Five

Why the Cross, of all deaths? (1) He had to bear the curse for us. (2) On it He held out His hands to unite all, Jews and Gentiles, in Himself. (3) He defeated the “Prince of the powers of the air” in His own region, clearing the way to heaven and opening for us the everlasting doors. Location 641

  •  For if He came Himself to bear the curse laid upon us, how else could He have “become a curse,” unless He received the death set for a curse? and that is the Cross. For this is exactly what is written: “Cursed is he that hangeth on a tree.” Location 646

  • Whence it was fitting for the Lord to bear this also and to spread out His hands, that with the one He might draw the ancient people, and with the other those from the Gentiles, and unite both in Himself. Location 651

  •  For thus being lifted up He cleared the air of the malignity both of the devil and of demons of all kinds , as He says : “ I beheld7 Satan as lightning fall from heaven ; ” and made a new opening of the way up into heaven as He says once more : “ Lift8 up your gates , O ye princes , and be ye lift up , ye everlasting doors . ” Location 662

  • He became a curse for us, he reconciled the far and then near by his blood and defeated Satan Location 665

Chapter Twenty Six

Reasons for His rising on the Third Day. (1) Not sooner for else His real death would be denied , nor (2) later ; to (a) guard the identity of His body , (b) not to keep His disciples too long in suspense , nor (c) to wait till the witnesses of His death were dispersed , or its memory faded . Location 672

  •  His rising had to be at the right time so as to expel any objections that could rise. Location 674

  •   For one might have said that He had not died at all, or that death had not come into perfect contact with Him, if He had manifested the Resurrection at once. Location 680

Chapter Twenty Seven

The change wrought by the Cross in the relation of Death to Man. Location 695

  •  In Christ all believers have lost fear of death and Satan because they have been defeated. Location 696

  •  For that death is destroyed , and that the Cross is become the victory over it , and that it has no more power but is verily dead , this is no small proof , or rather an evident warrant , that it is despised by all Christ’s disciples , and that they all take the aggressive against it and no longer fear it ; but by the sign of the Cross and by faith in Christ tread it down as dead . Location 696

  • But now that the Savior has raised His body, death is no longer terrible; for all who believe in Christ tread him under as nought and choose rather to die than to deny their faith in Christ. Location 700

  • For as when a tyrant has been defeated by a real king , and bound hand and foot , then all that pass by laugh him to scorn , buffeting and reviling him , no longer fearing his fury and barbarity , because of the king who has conquered him ; so also , death having been conquered and exposed by the Savior on the Cross , and bound hand and foot , all they who are in Christ , as they pass by , trample on him , and witnessing to Christ scoff at death , jesting at him , and saying what has been written against him of old : “ O death3 , where is thy victory ? O grave, where is thy sting.” Location 708

Chapter Twenty Eight

This exceptional fact must be tested by experience. Let those who doubt it become Christians. Location 715

  • A challenge to those who doubt the outlook of Christians in relation to death to trust in Christ see for themselves

  •  For man is by nature afraid of death and of the dissolution of the body; but there is this most startling fact, that he who has put on the faith of the Cross despises even what is naturally fearful, and for Christ’s sake is not afraid of death. Location 718

  • But just as he who has got the asbestos knows that fire has no burning power over it , and as he who would see the tyrant bound goes over to the empire of his conqueror , so too let him who is incredulous about the victory over death receive the faith of Christ, and pass over to His teaching , and he shall see the weakness of death , and the triumph over it . Location 727

Chapter Twenty Nine

Here then are wonderful effects, and a sufficient cause, the Cross, to account for them, as sunrise accounts for daylight. Location 733

  •  For when one sees men, weak by nature, leaping forward to death, and not fearing its corruption nor frightened of the descent into Hades, but with eager soul challenging it ; and not flinching from torture, but on the contrary, for Christ’s sake electing to rush upon death in preference to life upon earth, or even if one be an eye - witness of men and females and young children rushing and leaping upon death for the sake of Christ’s religion; who is so silly, or who is so incredulous, or who so maimed in his mind, as not to see and infer that Christ, to Whom the people witness, Himself supplies and gives to each the victory over death, depriving him of all his power in each one of them that hold His faith and bear the sign of the Cross . Location 742

Chapter Thirty

The reality of the resurrection proved by facts : ( 1 ) the victory over death described above : ( 2 ) the Wonders of Grace are the work of One Living , of One who is God : ( 3 ) if the gods be ( as alleged ) real and living , a fortiori He Who shatters their power is alive . Location 753

Note: Athanasius argues that if Christ had not risen then death still reigns.

  •  For if, as our argument shewed, death has been brought to nought, and because of Christ all tread him under foot, much more did He Himself first tread him down with His own body, and bring him to nought. Location 758

  • how could death have been shewn to be brought to nought unless the Lord’s body had risen? Location 760

  •  For now that the Saviour works so great things among men , and day by day is invisibly persuading so great a multitude from every side , both from them that dwell in Greece and in foreign lands , to come over to His faith , and all to obey His teaching , will anyone still hold his mind in doubt whether a Resurrection has been accomplished by the Saviour, and whether Christ is alive , or rather is Himself the Life ? Location 764

  • For where Christ is named, and His faith, there all idolatry is deposed and all imposture of evil spirits is exposed, and any spirit is unable to endure even the name, nay even on barely hearing it flies and disappears. But this work is not that of one dead, but of one that lives — and especially of GodLocation 770.

Chapter Thirty One

If Power is the sign of life, what do we learn from the impotence of idols, for good or evil, and the constraining power of Christ and of the Sign of the Cross? Death and the demons are by this proved to have lost their sovereignty. Coincidence of the above argument from facts with that from the Personality of Christ. Loc 775

Chapter Thirty Two

But who is to see Him risen, so as to believe? Nay, God is ever invisible and known by His works only: and here the works cry out in proof. If you do not believe, look at those who do, and perceive the Godhead of Christ. The demons see this, though men be blind. Summary of the argument so far. Location 796

  • The way we know Christ has risen is the power for men today to forsake idols and change and by these things we know death has been brought to nothing

  • As then demons confess Him, and His works bear Him witness day by day, it must be evident, and let none brazen it out against the truth, both that the Saviour raised His own body , and that He is the true Son of God , being from Him , as from His Father , His own Word , and Wisdom , and Power , Who in ages later took a body for the salvation of all , and taught the world concerning the Father , and brought death to nought , and bestowed incorruption upon all by the promise of the Resurrection , having raised His own body as a first - fruits of this , and having displayed it by the sign of the Cross as a monument of victory over death and its corruption . Location 812

Chapter Thirty Three

Unbelief of Jews and scoffing of Greeks. The former confounded by their own Scriptures. Prophecies of His coming as God and as Man. Location 817

 Note: Scripture is pervaded by promises of God to send his son and save the world come now let us put to rebuke both the disbelief of the Jews and the scoffing of the Gentiles.

Chapter Thirty Four

Prophecies of His passion and death in all its circumstances. Location 839

  • Nor is even His death passed over in silence: on the contrary, it is referred to in the divine Scriptures, even exceeding clearly. For to the end that none should err for want of instruction in the actual events , they feared not to mention even the cause of His death , — that He suffers it not for His own sake , but for the immortality and salvation of all , and the counsels of the Jews against Him and the indignities offered Him at their hands .Location 840

Chapter Thirty Five

Prophecies of the Cross. How these prophecies are satisfied in Christ alone. Location 861

  • Note: Scriptures testify that Jesus will die on the cross and his coming id confirmed by his birth which is different than any of Israel’s great men

  •  But of Christ’s birth the witness was not man, but a star in that heaven whence He was descending. Location 882

Chapter Thirty Six

Prophecies of Christ’s sovereignty, flight into Egypt, & c. Location 890

Chapter Thirty Seven

 Psalm 22: 16, & c . Majesty of His birth and death. Confusion of oracles and demons in Egypt. Location 908

  •  Note- Though many of the great men might have had enemies they died in peace. Jesus died under the cruelty of his enemies. Creation and even Egyptian idolaters acknowledged his Kingship at his birth

  •  the hands of the people; true, he was pursued by Saul, but he was preserved unhurt. Location 911

  •  Who then is he of whom the Divine Scriptures say this? Or who is so great that even the prophets predict of him such great things? None else, now, is found in the Scriptures but the common Saviour of all, the Word of God, our Lord Jesus Christ. Location 918

  • it was fitting that the King of Creation when He came forth should be openly recognized by all creation. Location 924

  • He was born in Judaea, and men from Persia came to worship Him. He it is that even before His appearing in the body won the victory over His demon adversaries and a triumph over idolatry. Location 924

Chapter Thirty Eight

Other clear prophecies of the coming of God in the flesh. Christ’s miracles unprecedented. Location 933

  • Note - There were a few miracles performed through the prophets, but Jesus came and performed the same miracles and exceeded even any miracles that have ever been performed to prove that he is the son of God

  •  When, then, have they taken place, save when the Word of God Himself came in the body? Or when did He come, if not when lame men walked, and stammerers were made to speak plain, and deaf men heard, and men blind from birth regained their sight? For this was the very thing the Jews said who then witnessed it, because they had not heard of these things having taken place at any other time: “Since the world began it was never heard that anyone opened the eyes of a man born blind. If this man were not from God, He could do nothing.” Location 952

Chapter Thirty Nine

 Do you look for another? But Daniel foretells the exact time. Objections to this removed. Location 959

  • Note - Using the prophecy of Daniel 9:24 this chapter shows that Christ is the savior who came to fulfil the prophecy in such a way that after him there was no other prophets that were raised to promise another messiah.

  • “ Seventy1 weeks are cut short upon thy people , and upon the holy city , for a full end to be made of sin , and for sins to be sealed up , and to blot out iniquities , and to make atonement for iniquities , and to bring everlasting righteousness , and to seal vision and prophet , and to anoint a Holy of Holies ; and thou shalt know and understand from the going forth of the word to restore2 and to build Jerusalem unto Christ the Prince ” Location 964

Chapter Forty

Argument (1) from the withdrawal of prophecy and destruction of Jerusalem, (2) from the conversion of the Gentiles, and that to the God of Moses. What more remains for the Messiah to do, that Christ has not done?Location 977

Chapter Forty One

For if it were absurd for Him to have been in a body at all, it would be absurd for Him to be united with the whole either, and to be giving light and movement to all things by His providence. Location 1026

Chapter Forty Two

His union with the body is based upon His relation to Creation as a whole. He used a human body, since to man it was that He wished to reveal Himself. Location 1037

Chapter Forty Three

He came in human rather than in any nobler form, because (I) He came to save, not to impress; (2) man alone of creatures had sinned. As men would not recognize His works in the Universe, He came and worked among them as Man; in the sphere to which they had limited themselves. Location 1063

  • Let them know that the Lord came not to make a display, but to heal and teach those who were suffering. Location 1066

  • For the way for one aiming at display would be , just to appear , and to dazzle the beholders ; but for one seeking to heal and teach the way is , not simply to sojourn here , but to give himself to the aid of those in want , and to appear as they who need him can bear it ; that he may not , by exceeding the requirements of the sufferers , trouble the very persons that need him , rendering God’s appearance useless to them . Location 1067

  • But men alone, having rejected what was good, then devised things of nought instead of the truth, and have ascribed the honour due to God, and their knowledge of Him, to demons and men in the shape of stones. Location 1071

Chapter Forty Four

As God made man by a word, why not restore him by a word? But (1) creation out of nothing is different from reparation of what already exists. (2) Man was there with a definite need, calling for a definite remedy. Death was ingrained in man’s nature: He then must wind life closely to human nature. Therefore, the Word became Incarnate that He might meet and conquer death in His usurped territory. (Simile of straw and asbestos.) Location 1090

  • For it was not things without being that needed salvation, so that a bare command should suffice, but man, already in existence, was going to corruption and ruin. 2 It was then natural and right that the Word should use a human instrument and reveal Himself everywhither. Location 1100

  •  Therefore, He put on a body, that He might find death in the body, and blot it out. Location 1112

Chapter Forty Five

Thus, once again every part of creation manifests the glory of God. Nature, the witness to her Creator, yields (by miracles) a second testimony to God Incarnate. The witness of Nature, perverted by man’s sin, was thus forced back to truth. If these reasons suffice not, let the Greeks look at facts. Location 1124

Chapter Forty Six

Discredit, from the date of the Incarnation, of idol - cultus, oracles, mythologies, demoniacal energy , magic , and Gentile philosophy . And whereas the old cults were strictly local and independent, the worship of Christ is catholic and uniform. Location 1147

Chapter Forty Seven

The numerous oracles, — fancied apparitions in sacred places, & c., dispelled by the sign of the Cross. The old gods prove to have been mere men. Magic is exposed. And whereas Philosophy could only persuade select and local cliques of Immortality, and goodness, — men of little intellect have infused into the multitudes of the churches the principle of a supernatural life. Location 1165

  • Christ alone has been recognized among men as the true God, the Word of God. Location 1175

Chapter Forty Eight

Further facts. Christian continence of virgins and ascetics. Martyrs. The power of the Cross against demons and magic. Christ by His Power shews Himself more than a man, more than a magician, more than a spirit. For all these are totally subject to Him. Therefore, He is the Word of God. Location 1188

  • Who by His own Name and Presence casts into the shade and brings to nought all things on every side, and is alone strong against all, and has filled the whole world with His teaching? Location 1195

  • For if He is a man, how then has one man exceeded the power of all whom even themselves bold to be gods, and convicted them by His own power of being nothing? But if they call Him a magician, how can it be that by a magician all magic is destroyed, instead of being confirmed? Location 1198

  •  For how is it possible that He should be a demon who drives the demons out? Location 1203

  • Then , if the Saviour is neither a man simply , nor a magician , nor some demon , but has by His own Godhead brought to nought and cast into the shade both the doctrine found in the poets and the delusion of the demons and the wisdom of the Gentiles , it must be plain and will be owned by all , that this is the true Son of God , even the Word and Wisdom and Power of the Father from the beginning . For this is why His works also are no works of man, but are recognized to be above man , and truly God’s works , both from the facts in themselves , and from comparison with [ the rest of ] mankind . Location 1207

Chapter Forty Nine

His Birth and Miracles. You call Asclepius, Heracles, and Dionysus gods for their works. Contrast their works with His, and the wonders at His death, & c. Location 1213

  • Or why, if Christ is, as they say, a man, and not God the Word, is not His worship prevented by the gods they have from passing into the same land where they are? Or why on the contrary does the Word Himself, sojourning here, by His teaching stop their worship and put their deception to shame? Location 1225

Chapter Fifty

Impotence and rivalries of the Sophists put to shame by the Death of Christ. His Resurrection unparalleled even in Greek legend. Location 1228

  •  For whose death ever drove out demons? or whose death did demons ever fear, as they did that of Christ? For where the Saviour’s name is named, there every demon is driven out. Or who has so rid men of the passions of the natural man, that whoremongers are chaste, and murderers no longer hold the sword, and those who were formerly mastered by cowardice play the man? Location 1237

  • Who persuaded men of barbarous countries and heathen men in divers places to lay aside their madness, and to mind peace, if it be not the Faith of Christ and the Sign of the Cross? Or who else has given men such assurance of immortality, as has the Cross of Christ, and the Resurrection of His Body? Location 1240

Chapter Fifty One

The new virtue of continence. Revolution of Society purified and pacified by Christianity. Location 1247

  • Note - Only Christ is able to transform societies and turn enemies to friends

  • What man has ever yet been able to pass so far as to come among Scythians and Ethiopians, or Persians or Armenians or Goths , or those we hear of beyond the ocean or those beyond Hyrcania, or even the Egyptians and Chaldees, men that mind magic and are superstitious beyond nature and savage in their ways, and to preach at all about virtue and self - control , and against the worshipping of idols, as has the Lord of all, the Power of God, our Lord Jesus Christ? Location 1251

  • But when they have come over to the school of Christ, then, strangely enough, as men truly pricked in conscience, they have laid aside the savagery of their murders and no longer mind the things of war: but all is at peace with them, and from henceforth what makes for friendship is to their liking. Location 1260

Chapter Fifty Two

Wars, & c., roused by demons, lulled by Christianity. Location 1264

  • Who then is He that has done this, or who is He that has united in peace men that hated one another, save the beloved Son of the Father, the common Saviour of all , even Jesus Christ, Who by His own love underwent all things for our salvation ? Location 1265

  • but when they hear the teaching of Christ , straightway instead of fighting they turn to husbandry, and instead of arming their hands with weapons they raise them in prayer, and in a word, in place of fighting among themselves, henceforth they arm against the devil and against evil spirits, subduing these by self - restraint and virtue of soul .Location 1271

  • Why, they who become disciples of Christ, instead of warring with each other, stand arrayed against demons by their habits and their virtuous actions : and they rout them , and mock at their captain the devil ; so that in youth they are self - restrained, in temptations endure, in labours persevere, when insulted are patient, when robbed make light of it : and, wonderful as it is, they despise even death and become martyrs of Christ. Location 1276

Chapter Fifty Three

The whole fabric of Gentilism levelled at a blow by Christ secretly addressing the conscience of Man. Location 1283

  •  what mere man or magician or tyrant or king was ever able by himself to engage with so many, and to fight the battle against all idolatry and the whole demoniacal host and all magic, and all the wisdom of the Greeks, while they were so strong and still flourishing and imposing upon all, and at one onset to check them all, as was our Lord, the true Word of God, Who, invisibly exposing each man’s error, is by Himself bearing off all men from them all, so that while they who were worshipping idols now trample upon them, those in repute for magic burn their books, and the wise prefer to all studies the interpretation of the Gospels? Location 1285

Chapter Fifty Four

The Word Incarnate, as is the case with the Invisible God, is known to us by His works. By them we recognize His deifying mission. Let us be content to enumerate a few of them, leaving their dazzling plentitude to him who will behold. Location 1300

  • For He was made man that we might be made God; 1 and He manifested Himself by a body that we might receive the idea of the unseen Father; and He endured the insolence of men that we might inherit immortality. Location 1306

  • the achievements of the Saviour, resulting from His becoming man, are of such kind and number, that if one should wish to enumerate them, he may be compared to men who gaze at the expanse of the sea and wish to count its waves. Location 1310

  • Better is it, then, not to aim at speaking of the whole, where one cannot do justice even to a part, but, after mentioning one more, to leave the whole for you to marvel at. For all alike are marvelous, and wherever a man turns his glance, he may behold on that side the divinity of the Word and be struck with exceeding great awe.Location 1314

Chapter Fifty Five

 Summary of foregoing. Cessation of pagan oracles, & c. : propagation of the faith . The true King has come forth and silenced all usurpers. Location 1318

  •  since the Saviour has come among us , idolatry not only has no longer increased , but what there was is diminishing and gradually coming to an end : and not only does the wisdom of the Greeks no longer advance , but what there is now fading away : and demons , so far from cheating any more by illusions and prophecies and magic arts , if they so much as dare to make the attempt , are put to shame by the sign of the Cross . Location 1321

  • behold how the Saviour’s doctrine is everywhere increasing, while all idolatry and everything opposed to the faith of Christ is daily dwindling, and losing power, and falling. Location 1324

  • as, when the sun is come, darkness no longer prevails, but if any be still left anywhere it is driven away; so , now that the divine Appearing of the Word of God is come, the darkness of the idols prevails no more, and all parts of the world in every direction are illumined by His teaching. Location 1326

  • God appeared in a body, and made known to us His own Father, then at length the deceit of the evil spirits is done away and stopped, while men, turning their eyes to the true God, Word of the Father, are deserting the idols, and now coming to know the true God. Location 1333

Chapter Fifty Six

Search then, the Scriptures, if you can, and so fill up this sketch. Learn to look for the Second Advent and Judgment. Location 1337

  • And you will also learn about His second glorious and truly divine appearing to us , when no longer in lowliness , but in His own glory , — no longer in humble guise , but in His own magnificence , — He is to come , no more to suffer , but thenceforth to render to all the fruit of His own Cross , that is , the resurrection and incorruption ; and no longer to be judged , but to judge all , by what each has done in the body , whether good or evil ; where there is laid up for the good the kingdom of heaven , but for them that have done evil everlasting fire and outer darkness .Location 1343

Chapter Fifty Seven

Above all, so live that you may have the right to eat of this tree of knowledge and life, and so come to eternal joys. Doxology. Location 1355

  • For just as , if a man wished to see the light of the sun , he would at any rate wipe and brighten his eye , purifying himself in some sort like what he desires , so that the eye , thus becoming light , may see the light of the sun ; or as , if a man would see a city or country , he at any rate comes to the place to see it ; — thus he that would comprehend the mind of those who speak of God must needs begin by washing and cleansing his soul , by his manner of living , and approach the saints themselves by imitating their works ; so that , associated with them in the conduct of a common life , he may understand also what has been revealed to them by God , and thenceforth , as closely knit to them , may escape the peril of the sinners and their fire at the day of judgment , and receive what is laid up for the saints in the kingdom of heaven , which “ Eye hath not seen , 1 nor ear heard , neither have entered into the heart of man , ” whatsoever things are prepared for them that live a virtuous life , and love the God and Father , in Christ Jesus our Lord : through Whom and with Whom be to the Father Himself , with the Son Himself , in the Holy Spirit , honour and might and glory for ever and ever . Amen. Location 1360

Outline: St. Athanasius

Forbes, F. A. St. Athanasius. Standard-Bearers of the Faith. London; Glasgow: R. & T. Washbourne, Ltd., 1919. 978-0-89555-623-3. $7.59 98 pages

forbes Athanasius .jpg

Raphael Mnkandhla 

Chapter One: A Foreshadowing 

This chapter introduces the reader to Alexandria the city where Athanasiu grew up

·      It starts with Alexander looking back at the persecuted church relishing on examples of Bishop Peter the last martyr. 

·      While he waits for guests, he notices boys playing and enacting the baptism of catechumens and from there he takes young Athanasius under him as a disciple.

·      Athanasius is seen as a young man who is keen to learn already wants to be a priest and knows the cost through peter. 

·      He is taken in a secretary by Alexander to learn and eventually becomes his advisor and is taken to Nicea


Chapter Two: Arius the Heresiarch 

·      This chapter introduces Arius who was at first deposed by the Bishop Peter because of his support of Meletians. After a vision from God of Christ’s garments torn Peter warns Alexander and Achilles not to restore Arius but they went against his counsel after his martyrdom and set him over one of the largest churches. 

·      Arius and Alexander never saw eye to eye and this the heresy started. 

·      After the bishop Alexander deposed of Arius, he went to gain support of Eusebius who was close to the emperor. 

·      The emperor had been given victory through the sign of the cross and had become a Catechumen. Constantine was deceived by Eusebius who argued it was his role to bring Arius and Alexander to reconcile. Wanting peace, he called for the council Nicaea to gather. 

·      Alexander was old and Athanasius accompanied him and was accused of advising him


Chapter Three: The Great Council 

·      The chapter begins by listing all the attendants of Nicaea and Athanasius is included.

·      Constantine was there taking a humble posture as a servant who wants to see peace prevail in the church. 

·      Also present is Alexander, Arius arguing Jesus is not God  and Athanasius is there as the deacon  who is given an opportunity to speak by Alexander. 

·      Eusebius argues the Arians believes everything the church believes but after some time the Arians are opposed 

·      Hosius draws up the Nicene creed, those present with the emperor approves the creed and he declared that any who go against will be condemned promising he will uphold the law.

·      The chapter ends with the emperor seeing through the deceit of Eusebius who had erased his name from the signed creed

Chapter Four:  The Calm Before The Storm 

This chapter describes the calm and accomplishments made before Athanasius and the church face persecution. 

·      Constantine begins to build the churches

·      Alexander dies and installs Athanasius as bishop at the age of 30. 

·      Athanasius helps establish the church in Ethiopia 

·      Pachomius is a monk of influence and he becomes friends with Athanasius. The friendship of monks is a strength to him in times of trouble. 


Chapter Five: False Witnesses 

Constantine begins to waver in his loyalty to the Nicene Creed under Eusebius’s persuasion. 

·      He is convinced to hear Arius who confirms that he believes what the church believes. Eusebius and Arius are restored, and Constantine proves changeable. 

·      They begin to depose other bishops and install Arians to gain power.

·      Their main target is Athanasius and the following are accusations against Athanasius his main enemy being Eusebius who was close to Constantine. 

o   Eusebius fought for Arius to be received for communion and Athanasius refused. Eusebius wrote to the emperor arguing he is too young and he should be threatened with exile. Athanasius replied the emperor and persuaded him it was not right. 

o   Meletians and Arians accused Athanasius of 

§  stealing taxes 

§   the Meletians accuses him of rebellion 

§  Anthony visited him to encourage and draw a line to condemn the Arians

§  Accused of breaking the chalice the man who had not been ordained 

§  Accused of killing Arsenious and Athanasius is summoned to come to Nicomedia. Arsenious is found presented in court the next time. 

Chapter Six: A Royal-Hearted Exile 

Eusebius continues accusing Athanasius.

·      Athanasius is accused to being violent killing Arsenious who is brought up to show he is alive, after this they accuse him of magic. 

·      Athanasius accused by the Arians and called to trial knew that he wouldn’t gain a fair trial and he met Constantine to give him a fair trial. 

·      With the Arians having already deposed Athanasius, in front of Constantine they accused Athanasius for preventing grain to go to Constantinople which infuriated Constantine.

·       Athanasius is banished for the first time. Antony even wrote to Constantine appealing to him and he refused

·      In exile Athanasius continued to pastor through writing. 

·      Alexander was forced to admit Arius into communion, having prayed and fasted Arius died before partaking. 

·      Eusebius elected Gregory for bishop who used force to try to control people. All who resisted were killed scourged 

·      Athanasius was exiled in Rome. 


Chapter Seven: The Day of Rejoicing

After four years of tyrant the Alexandrians killed Gregory. 

·      Even after Eusebius died, the Arians drew up their own creed, but it was rejected. In response they formed their own council 

·      The council of Sardica declared Athanasius innocent 

·      Pope Julius wrote you the Alexandrians and they rejoiced at his coming back 

·      Pope Julius in praise of their Patriarch. “If precious metals,” he wrote, “such as gold and silver, are tried in the fire, what can we say of so great a man, who has been through so many perils and afflictions, and who returns to you, having been declared innocent by the judgment of the whole Synod? Receive, therefore, beloved, with all joy and glory to God, your Bishop Athanasius.” Never had Alexandria seen such rejoicings. The people thronged forth from the city to meet their exiled Patriarch, singing hymns of rejoicing, waving branches of trees, and throwing rich carpets upon the road along which he was to pass. Every little hillock was crowded with people thirsting for a sight of that beloved face and figure. It was six years since they had seen him, and what had they not suffered during his absence? ( 79-80) 


·      Athanasius resumed work to strengthen the church, he pardoned those who were led astray and restored the work of the church. 

·      The present moment was the Patriarch’s, and he determined to use it to the full. The Bishops of Egypt gathered round him; widows and orphans were provided for; the poor housed and fed, and the faithful warned against false doctrines. The churches were not large enough to hold the crowds that flocked to them. It was a time of peace which God vouchsafed to His people to strengthen them for the coming storm. ( 80) 

·      This was short time of peace which Athanasius took advantage of to ordain more bishops and write to the monks who looked for guidance from him. 

·      Letters from Athanasius were a powerful weapon in defence of the truth. ( 81) 

·      Constans killed and Constantias who had pledged loyalty to Athanasius turned on him

·      Athanasius yielded to leading Easter in a building that had not been dedicated and this brought charges. 

·      Syriannus came to Alexandria and at midnight he was surrounded 

·      In the dim light of the sanctuary Athanasius sat on the Bishop’s throne, calm and unmoved in the midst of the tumult. “Read the 135th Psalm,” he said to one of the deacons, “and when it is finished all will leave the church.” The words rang out through the building with their message of hope and confidence and were answered by the people. (84) 

·      Into the darkness of the winter’s night he fled, an exile and a fugitive once more. (85) 

Chapter Eight The Invisible Patriarch 

The bishops who had sided with nicea had been exiled 

·      St. Anthony, over a hundred years old, was on his death-bed. His monks, crowding round the dying Saint, groaned over the evil days that had befallen the Church.“Fear not,” replied the old man, “for this power is of the earth and cannot last. As for the sufferings of the Church, was it not so from the beginning, and will it not be so until the end? Did not the Master Himself say, ‘They have persecuted Me, they will persecute you also’?” Did not the “perils from false brethren” begin even in the lifetime of those who had been the companions of Christ? And yet, had not the Master Himself promised that, although she must live in the midst of persecution, He would be with His Church for ever, and that the gates of Hell should not prevail against her?’ 9 (87-88)


·      In Alexandria Athanasius was declared a runaway, yet people were loyal to him as their bishop. Athanasius was denounced as a “run-away, an evil-doer, a cheat and an impostor, deserving of death.” Letters came from the Emperor ordering all the churches in the city to be given up to the Arians, and requiring the people to receive without objections the new Patriarch whom he would shortly send them.(88-89)

·      Things got worse under the Arians. Churches were burned, tortured and Arians were installed 

·      constantias sent George to take Athanasius place. George was so dishonest, pork butcher who wanted to make money 

·      They had not long to wait. Even Gregory had been humane compared with George of Cappadocia. Monasteries were burned down; Bishops, priests, virgins, widows—all, in fact, who were faithful to the Church—were insulted, tortured or slain. Many died in consequence of the treatment they had received; others were forced into compliance. The troops of the Emperor, with an Arian at their head, were there to do George’s bidding. ( 90-91) 

·      Athanasius was invisible, but his voice could not be silenced, and it was a voice that moved the world. Treatise after treatise in defense of the true faith; letter after letter to the Bishops of Egypt, to his friends, and to the faithful, were carried far and wide by the hands of trusty messengers. The Arians had the Roman Emperor on their side, but the pen of Athanasius was more powerful than the armies of Constantius. ( 91-92) 

·      For six years he eluded those who searched for him because the monks hid him and were willing to die for them as one of their own. He was always warned on time. 

·      The Arians gave the title eternal to constantias the title that they didn’t give to Christ. Arians made statement and eventually argued that they never meant that Jesus Christ was not a creature only that he was  a different kind of creature. They called themselves Semi- Arians. 

·      Constantius was dead, and that his nephew Julian had succeeded him as Emperor. The moment of reckoning had come. George was seized by the pagan population and literally torn to pieces; his body was burnt, and its ashes scattered to the winds. ( 95)

·      Julian the apostate declared himself a pagan. He allowed everyone to practice religion as they wanted. His methods were different. Privileges were granted to the pagans which were denied to the Church; the Galileans, as Julian called the Christians, were ridiculed, and paganism praised as the only religion worthy of educated men.

·      The results were not what the Emperor had expected, and he complained bitterly that there were so few who responded to his efforts to enlighten them. As for the Church, she knew at least what she had to expect; an open enemy is less dangerous than a false friend. ( 96)


Chapter Nine: A Short-Lived Peace 

Athanasius has a short-lived peace but he took advantage of it. He pardoned the people that had been deceived of Arianism.l 

·      He returned after 6 years. Many pagans who had watched the behavior of the Christians under persecution now came forward and asked to join the Church, amongst them some Greek ladies of noble family whom Athanasius himself instructed and baptized. News of this reached the ears of the Emperor Julian, who was already furious at the influence that this Christian Bishop of Alexandria was exercising throughout the whole empire. (99) 

·      Julian sends a letter to the governor of Egypt to depose Athanasius. The Patriarch had been barely eight months in Alexandria when the Governor of Egypt received a message from his Royal master. “Nothing that I could hear of would give me greater pleasure,” he wrote, “than the news that you have driven that miscreant out of the country.” (100) 

·      The people were inconsolable, but Athanasius comforted them. “This time it is only a passing cloud,” he said; “it will soon be over.” Then, recommending his flock to the most trusted of his clergy, he left the city, an exile once more. It was not a moment too soon. Scarcely had he vanished when the messengers of Julian arrived. ( 101) 

·      Athanasius runs to the desert and Julian kept on with his paganism. 


Chapter Ten: The Last Exile 

Athanasius is led to exile again but welcomed all at Hermopolis. Julian was persistent in finding him and seemed he would succeed but news came that he had died and replaced by Jovian. 

·      Jovian was on Athanasius side he wrote to him. “Jovian—to Athanasius, the faithful servant of God,” it ran. “As we are full of admiration for the holiness of your life, and your zeal in the service of Christ our Saviour, we take you from this day forth under our Royal protection. We are aware of the courage which makes you count as nothing the heaviest labours, the greatest dangers, the sufferings of persecution, and the fear of death. You have fought faithfully for the Truth, and edified the whole Christian world, which looks to you as a model of every virtue. It is therefore our desire that you should return to your See and teach the doctrine of salvation. Come back to your people, feed the flock of Christ, and pray for our person, for it is through your prayers that we hope for the blessing of God.” (110-111)

·      The Arians tried to accuse him and Jovian argued for Athanasius. 

·      Jovian had been but a few months on the throne, when he died suddenly on his way from Antioch to Constantinople. He was succeeded by Valentinian, who, unfortunately for the peace of the Church, chose his brother Valens to help him in the government, taking the West for his own share of the empire, and leaving the East to his brother. (113) 

·      Athanasius faced persecution again with the governor looking for him. For four long months he remained in concealment, at the end of which time the Governor, fearing an outbreak amongst the people, for the whole of Egypt was in a ferment, persuaded Valens to let him return in peace to his see. ( 116)

Chapter Eleven: The Truce of God

The people wanted Athanasius as their bishop and this time whenever the emperor tried to install another bishop the people were in uproar.

·      His pen was still busy. One of his first acts on his return to Alexandria was to write the life of St. Anthony, a last tribute of love and gratitude to the memory of his dear old friend. The book was eagerly read; we are told in the “Confessions of St. Augustine” how two young officers of the Imperial army, finding it on the table of a certain hermitage near Milan and reading it, were so inspired by enthusiasm for the religious life that they embraced it then and there. ( 118) 

·      Many of the persecuted Bishops looked to Athanasius for the comfort and encouragement which they never sought in vain. He was always ready to forget the past, and to make advances even to those who had been his bitterest enemies. Let them only accept the creed of Nicæa, he said, and he would admit them to communion. ( 118-119.) 

·      Athanasius corresponded with Basil who was also being hard pressed by the Arians and encouraged him. His example helped him to stand against the opposition. 

·      He continued to influence many through writing. 

·      In 366 Pope Liberius died, and was succeeded by Pope St. Damasus, a man of strong character and holy life. Two years later, in a Council of the Church, it was decreed that no Bishop should be consecrated unless he held the creed of Nicæa. Athanasius was overwhelmed with joy on hearing this decision. The triumph of the cause for which he had fought so valiantly was now assured. His life was drawing to an end. Five years later, after having governed his diocese for forty-eight years—years of labour, endurance, and suffering—he passed peacefully into the presence of that Lord for whose sake he had counted all his tribulations as joy. ( 123-124) 

·      Great summary of his life : From his earliest youth he bad stood forth as the champion of Truth and defender of the Faith—a gallant warrior who had not laid down his arms until the day of his death. Where a weaker man would have lost courage, he had stood firm; suffering had only served to temper his spirit, as steel is tempered by the fire. Amongst men who were capable of every compromise he had remained loyal and true, and few have been more loved or hated than he. To his own people he was not only their Bishop, but a Saint, an ascetic, a martyr in all but deed; above all, an intensely lovable personality, whose very greatness of soul only made him more compassionate. To the outside world he was a guiding light, a beacon pointing straight to God and Heaven. He was a living example of the truth that a man may be large-minded and yet strong; that he may hate error, yet love the erring—stand like a rock against heresy, yet be full of compassion for heretics.

·      Scarcely was he dead when he was honoured as a Saint. Six years after his death, St. Gregory Nazianzen speaks of him in one breath with the patriarchs, prophets, and martyrs who had fought for the Faith and won the crown of glory. His influence is with us to this day, his memory lingers in the words of that Nicene Creed which was his war-cry; for it is largely owing to his valour that we possess it still. And through all his works breathes the same spirit—the spirit that nerved him to fight and suffer—an intense love and devotion to Him who was the Lord and Master of his life—Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. ( 124-125)