Book review

Quick Review: ATHANASIUS: Letter to Marcellinus on the Psalms: Spiritual wisdom for today.

Quick Review: ATHANASIUS: Letter to Marcellinus on the Psalms: Spiritual wisdom for today.


I love the book of psalms as it lets readers find themselves in the experiences and emotions. I love reading material from the church fathers. For a while, I have wondered how Athanasius endured five exiles and all! The persecution until I read this letter. It is encouraging to see how he swam against the tide, stood for the truth because he anchored himself in the enduring Word of God. In this letter, he shows Marcellinus how the psalms are for all of life, involve every literary genre and also lead us to Christ. 

Review: How to Read a Book

Review: How to Read a Book

Biographical Sketch of the Author

Mortimer J. Adler was a Professor Emeritus at the University of Chicago, both co- founder and Chief Editor of The Center for Great Ideas, Chairman of the Board of Editors of Encyclopedia Brittanica and Chief Editor of the Great Books. He authored or edited more than 50 books amongst many other things. Charles Van Doren was also a professor at Columbia University, TV personality and an editor for the Encyclopedia Brittanica. He authored many books including his best-known work A History of Knowledge amongst other things.

The authors Dr. Mortimer J. Adler and Van Doren Charles Lincoln are more than competent to write a book on how to read a book. With a resurgence of reading of the Great Books many people that wanted to read them found themselves not knowing how to read them. So unlike many authors that would urge you to read the analytical literature, they provide the apparatus on how to read it.