
Faith 4: God’s Faithfulness in Our failure

As we continue our series on Faith, pastor Raphael examines Genesis 12:10-13:4 to show us how even when Abraham doubted God and failed God was still faithful to him. God commitment towards us is greater than ours to him and it is his commitment to us that leads us to deeper commitment to Him. We hope you are blessed by this message. 

Faith 3: A Call to Go

According to the Old Testament Scholar Marvin. R Wilson "faith is the call to step bodly into tommorow, to embrace the new with confidence that every new day would prove to be a meeting place with the holy and eternal God." Such was the life of Abraham as shown in Genesis 12:1-9. Listen to the message on this passage by Pastor Raphael as he expounds on this passage and applies it to our lives today. 

Faith 2: Abraham's background

Abraham was a great man of faith, yet it is in light of his background that God Gloriously shines in his calling him. The God who showed up in a dark and void world, unformed and unfilled can walk into any background, transform and fill it with his glory. Learn more as Pastor Raphael looks at Genesis 11:27-32, examining Abraham's background and applying it to our own faith journeys.